Work Detail

ONE TIME TASK   Rs.40/Task
Task No. 1:       Subscription
üLogin YouTube.
ü Type Topper Guru in search box of YouTube.
ü You will see Topper Guru logo at top Click on Topper Guru.
ü Click on Subscribe button.
ü Click on Bell button.

Task No. 2:       YouTube
ü Click on like button to like videos (10 videos)
ü Watch 10 videos & comment minimum 5 lines on each video, according to the video topic (comment in English language)
ü Video sharing
o   Share above watched 10 videos on:
§  Your own timeline (Face book + Google +)
§  10 Friend’s timeline (Face book + Google +)
§  10 Open Groups + Communities (Face book & Google +)

ü Like 5 public comments on each video & reply positively according to the public comments.

Task No. 3:       Face Book
ü Like 10 posts.
ü Comment on 10 liked posts.
ü Sharing posts:
o   Share 10 posts on your own timeline.
o   Share 10 posts on your 5 friends’ timelines.
o   Share 10 posts in 10 open groups having minimum 3000 members.

Task No. 4:       Google Plus

ü Like 10 posts
ü Comment on any 10 posts.
ü Share 10 posts in 10 community groups having minimum 3000 members.

Task No. 5:       Twitter
ü Like 10 posts.
ü Comment on any 10 posts.

Task No.65:      LinkedIn
ü Like 10 posts.
ü Comment on any 10 posts.

TARGET WORK   Rs.30/30 websites
Task No. 1:       Android Screen Shots

ü Download our Apps. (You can download all apps) Visit below link for apps.
ü Install on your android phone & Run app (Internet must be on)
ü After a moment an advertisement will appear on bottom or on full screen.
ü Click on advertisement. It will open in browser like a website.
ü When web page is completely opened take screen shot.
ü Click on any button to visit any other page of this website.
ü Scroll down at the end (bottom) of this page and take screen shot. (Make sure page is fully opened not browsing)
ü You will have to take 5 screen shots of one website. (No shots duplication)
ü You can share apps with friends’ and take screen shots from their mobiles.
ü Save all these screen shots in a folder and email us when you have 30 different websites screen shots.
ü Note: Duplicate website shots are not allowed otherwise you will not be paid.

ONE MONTH TARGET   Rs.200/Target
Task No. 1:       Preparing topics (Urdu)                                             

ü You will have to prepare 10 topics in Urdu language.
ü Data can be collected / copied from different websites.
ü It must be Urdu file (In page file).
ü Topic will be assigned by us OR yourself but consult with us before starting work.

Task No. 2:       Preparing topic (English)

ü You will have to prepare 10 topics in English language.
ü Data can be collected / copied from different websites.
ü It must be Urdu file (In page file).
ü Topic will be assigned by us OR yourself but consult with us before starting work.

Task No.3:        Multiple questions  (500 English & 500 Urdu)
ü Prepare General Knowledge type short questions/Answers in MS. Word & Inpage.
o   Example: When Pakistan came into existence?
§  1944           1674           1665           1947
§  Note: Make bold and red color of correct answer.

Task No.4:        Short questions Collection from internet.

ü Collect 500 short questions on any topic.

Note: Initial income Rs.1000 will be kept with us as a security OR you can pay Rs.1000 in advance as a security and get your daily income. Security will be refunded if you satisfied us with your work otherwise not claimed.

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