13 things a student need to become a topper in studies. Educational tips and tricks by Topper Guru

Students having keen interest in their studies can be a topper student if they follow these top secret study skills.

Learn topper skills:

1. Self-Confidence
Unless and until you don’t believe yourself, you can’t achieve what you strive for. This is the most important thing which a person requires to achieve success and glory. If we talk about students, you can notice the amount of confidence you can see in the first ranker or topper of your class or as the case may be. The topper is full of confidence. He believe himself and in his abilities. If a student want to excel in his examinations , he should not fear of failure. 

2. Dedication and Determination
To be a topper dedication and firm determination are two other important things a student require. You need to dedicate yourself to your studies and keep yourself away from distractions. You should study with such determination as nothing distracts your mind. Well from where you will get such determination and dedication? This I will tell you in next point.

3.Reason . Why you want to study ?
Well. Its the thing which you have to find out in order to study. Its reason. Reason for why you want to give pain to your self to achieve something. No one in this world would run on the road without any reason . Only a mad person would do that. So go find out the reason why you want to top in your class . Have an aim in life and a reason why you want to achieve it. After you have it automatically your mind would tell you to work hard to achieve it. So if a student want to excel in his examination then he must have an answer to the question :- why?

4.Make your favorite subject stronger and weaker subjects better
The mistake which many students do is they ignore the subjects which they don’t like. In a way they make themselves weak in those subjects. Never do that. Do give reasonable time to those subjects. I would suggest to give equal importance to each subjects. In this I did not mean that you make your favorite subjects average. Give special importance to subjects you love. Make yourself master in those subjects else you will become an average student. I said so because a student should have something that distinguishes him from thousands other.

5. Planning
You need to make a timetable for your work and stick to it strictly. It makes a student learn to manage his time. While you make your time table give reasonable for playing/hobbies , sleeping and other required things. You should keep a target for yourself. For example you have 12 chapters in chemistry. Then allot 2-3 days in a week for chemistry and complete at least a chapter daily. Like this your chemistry would be completed in 12 weeks which is 3 months without any hassle or worries .

 6. Have some time for co-curricular activities.
Do play games and spend some time in doing your hobbies. It will keep you fresh and stress free. If you keep on studying without some kind of entertainment , naturally you’ll stressed and boredom. keep about 1-2 hour daily for some co-curricular activities.

7. Take proper meal and sleep

You don’t have to study so hard that you make your health go bad. Sleep is food for the brain. During sleep, important body functions and brain activity occur. Skipping sleep can be harmful — even deadly, particularly if you are behind the wheel. You can look bad, you may feel moody, and you perform poorly. Sleepiness can make it hard to get along with your family and friends and hurt your scores on school exams, on the court or on the field. A brain who is hungry for sleep will get it even if you don’t expect it.

8. Avoid last moment preparation

Many students prepare for exam in the last moment and end up with unsatisfactory  marks. I have mentioned earlier plan and study. When you follow a systematic way , studying little a little everyday, you won’t have to worry or panic on the day before exam. when a student leaves everything for the last moment , he always find a lot of thing to be completed on the last day and there is 20% chance that he can complete all those uncompleted chapters. These chances decreases as a student moves to next class with increasing syllabus. A student who wants to be a topper should avoid last moment preparation but follow last moment revision.

9. A student should not follow others style of studying

Never follow others’ way of studying. Every student is unique in his own. A way of studying can work for him , but the same may not work for you. Remember I have said to have confidence in yourself then why to follow study style of your classmates. I am not saying that you don’t take advice, but you need not follow others way of learning the chapters.

10. Keep yourself away from distractions and social sites

As I said earlier you need to keep yourself determined towards your study. Then if are distracted by anything then how you are going to keep yourself dedicated and determined. If your are addicted to social sites like Facebook and twitter then it’s a great hindrance in your path to be a topper. I am not saying that you should not use these social networking sites but don’t be on it for hours.

11. Listen to your teachers

After yourself teachers are the best person who could make a student become a topper. When your are in the classroom listen to what they say. Learn to be attentive in class. If you have any problem in your studies or you are not able to grasp any concept , then don’t feel shy. Go and ask for his help. He would surely assist you. I don’t why many students feel shy in approaching their teachers.

12. Don’t need to over-study

It’s not important to study more than your syllabus. What is more important is to learn all the thing more clearly so that you have clear understanding of concepts. many students do the blunder of study more than what they require instead of studying what is enough but with clear understanding.

13. Concentration
It is a first and foremost point while you are studying. Have you ever found your self that you have books opened in front of you but in a moment your minds start thinking of something else or you are easily distracted with something happening in your surrounding. If so? Then, dear friend you lack concentration. You need to improve your concentration power. One thing I would recommend is to meditate for 10 minutes daily before you sit down for studying. I am not joking. A twenty minutes meditation will prevent you from getting late for hours in completing your chapters.


:: Topper Guru ::

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Topper Guru